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Satomi Hyana's

HomePage of
Dynamic Constant Univers

and also presents
the Univers perhaps thus
(Old Pagesj

Tese pages are about my thought of this Unverse and put them here after I wrote them randomly. Though it has not conclueded yet (I have not finished writing), I still wondering and it continues.
Please do give me your opinion , questions and request. Especially if you have part to see in detail , please let me know the parts , since I will try to translate from the parts you request.

Since I am young , I like to consider about the space , time and so on. Althouh it is an imagination I tried to consider sientifically as much as possible. It is quite dramatic but please have a look.
Someone consider "perhaps thus" , and whether it fits (=it matches to phenomena) or not is history of science , the thought "perhaps thus" can be put on the InterNet can't be. I think the sence "perhaps thus" is important.
I consider the Universe is beyond Existens (constant Universe). When you have time come and look and leave your footprint at
My Board please.

What I want to say
1jWe see , feel , deduce, induce and infer.
2jExistence of all matters is a kind of set theory (=relative).
3jNo movement exist against the Universe. (Even acceleraion movement)
4jExistence of time is also a kind of set theory (=relative).
5jNo age for the Universe which contains the whole set.
6jFluctuation is source of everything. Fluctuation governs all events.
7jA key of Evolution (why evoluate) dwell in fluctuation.
8jAll matter conclude to information.


What is time? What is matter? Where from the Universe comes and where to is it going? Now, the Dynamic Constant Universe hypothesis challenges to resolve New Galaxy, the Earth, and human emotion.

The Universe consists of rare energy area which is widely extended among the stars or among galaxies, and area where energy is tightly packed as matter - galaxies, and stars area. In the area where energy is packed tightly the energy spread out, while in the rare energy and extensive area the energy concentrates into matter. The energy concentration happens due to Yuragi (fluctuation and flicker)
(It only my imagination. I have not come across how the energy concentration into matter occurs.)

Matter is a tiny specific zone of space where energy concentrates in the shape of field, which exclude each others. Not things are there. As space nothing different between the zone of nothing, and zone where energy concentration is there = matter. It is just zone of space where stable warp of field forms exclusive zone each other.

There are districts where rare energy concentrates in the space among stars and galaxies due to Yuragi(fluctuation flicker) of energy, and in those districts energy deposit matter. In those space among stars and galaxies as a whole energy concentrates rather than spread, although the concentration occurs only in a small area of space. Rays which pass through these area loose energy, because it contribute energy concentration. Thus the farther rays come from the more loose energy, that is
red shift.

No movement, even including acceleration, is specific movement to the Universe. In a sense it is not colored (=specific), all movements are
transparent. Simply there is no movement to the Universe, and also there is no location to the Universe. We feel acceleration movement is absolute ,because of particular and typically observed force application on the Earth. Self rotation is the only movement against the Universe, and this movement deeply concerned how matter is yield.

Time passing especially in the meaning of getting aged only happens in the high energy density area, where matters concentrate, such as galaxies or stars. Time passing is just a event in the high energy area, and it is not applied to the whole universe. Because entropy gets higher, things get aged. In the area where energy spreads, it get older and in the are where energy concentrates it gets younger, thus the whole Universe does not get older.

In the first, only events exist, and time exists as the order of events. Human emotion is at the top of events chain, as if human beings are at the top of food chain. Recognition is also a event. Energy is someting which makes a event and a event is energy transition. Energy transitions are not only various reactions , but also relative movement of matters which is tiny zone of highly packed energy.

Space and Yuragi (fluctuation and flicker) are super existence.
Only existence is Space and Yuragi of energy. It might be better to say that there only exists infinitive container where fluctuating energy is in. Yuragi of energy makes time and matter.
In the Universe where energy fluctuates, as a consequent of fluctuation, there exists the Earth and we were born.